Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Carpet is going in!

This past week, some of the finishing touches are happening to the staff house. They were prepping for the carpet to go in and finishing the "punch list" for the paint. They deck was stained and the railing was painted green.

We should have the appliances installed by the end of next week and will be looking for an occupancy soon!

We marked several scrub pines that we want to take out so we can do some nice landscaping with native trees and plants. Who wouldn't want to sit in a rocking chair on the deck and look out at the view below? Imagine it mixed with lots of dogwoods in bloom...

We are wanting to name the staff house something other than "staff house" if you have any suggestions, let me know!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Either of Staff of 2008 House or ANZAC House would be great.