Monday, October 27, 2008

Laying the road

This last week, they laid the base for the road that will go up to the back accessible entrance and the parking area out front.

The propane tank was brought in and put into the ground. This will create a climate controlled environment so that the ceiling tiles can go in now.

They also did some interior stuff like the beautiful stair railing and painting.

I am making more progress on the furniture. I have compiled a list of things we will be buying and am now gong through the state contracts to figure out where to buy it from.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Concrete & Connections

There has been lots of progress from the outside! They poured the concrete that connects the building to the parking area. This has a slight grade so it provides a "ramp" to the Wellness Center. This also made it possible to start the outside stairs that will connect the floors in the front of the building, they look great!

The heating units (5 of them) have been brought in and placed on their slab. We are waiting on the propane tank to get buried so we can actually have some heat. We have to wait on that so we can get a climate controlled space so we can finish the ceiling tiles.

The leaves are turning and it is beautiful!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Water & Power!

The 6 inch water line has been put in finally. The yard at the Directors house and the lower parking area was torn up to finish the connection. We are going to use this opportunity to do some needed landscaping in that area. It is the first thing you see when you enter the property so it should present itself in a welcoming and polished manner.

The large vault for the camps new water connection is in. It will require some creative landscaping to disguise it. It is bigger than they made it sound, sticks up above the grade, is right in front of the lodge/old pool area and is quite an eye soar. The good thing about it (and one reason it is so big) is that this is going to be our only metering point for the whole camp. It will allow up to tap into the line anywhere below it without the long permitting process and extra costs. It will also keep us from having more of these vaults all over the place when new buildings and things are put in. So in the big scheme of things, it will be better for the camp and you will not really know it is there when we get done landscaping it.

The electric has been connected to the house now! It is cool to see the lights illuminating from the house in the mornings.

We want to rename the Staff House to something more user friendly and appealing to groups. We thought of Hickory Hideaway or Hickory Hollow since there are lots of hickory trees around it. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know!