Thursday, September 4, 2008

Doors are being hung...

We have the United Way Day of Caring today. We have ~35-40 volunteers out here right now and they are clearing & building 3 new elements on the low ropes course, starting to widen and clear the logging road for the new entrance road and they repainted the rec hall bathrooms. Things are looking better and better every day thanks to our volunteer groups!

As for the staff house, it looks like everything is on schedule now. The water permit is straight with the City of Asheville now. The doors came in and are being hung...they look awesome! I love the light pine look. Most of the fixtures are in and the ceiling in the downstairs is going up. They said that they are starting the floors next week. It is all coming together!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Does the 3 new elements include the wall? Because the ANZACs are responsible for at least half of it! ;-) DJ